Prevention Starts Early: Incredible Years Program

The Incredible Years® Series is a set of comprehensive, and developmentally based programs targeting parents, teachers and children. They are designed to work jointly to promote emotional, social, and academic competence and to prevent, reduce, and treat behavioral and emotional problems in young children.

  • Building Positive Relationships and Managing Separation Anxiety
  • Language Development in Toddlers and Preschoolers
  • Social Coaching with Toddlers and Preschoolers
  • Emotion Coaching with Toddlers and Preschoolers
  • The Proactive Teacher
  • Positive Behavior Management
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Better Together

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For Families: FREE Parenting Group!


Parents of Children Ages 3 to 5

Parents of Children Ages 6 to 12

Interested in signing up for the Incrdible Years Program?
(Ages 3-5)

Interested in signing up for the Incredible Years Program?
(Ages 6-12)

What is your parenting style?