Unintentional Youth Poisonings


 96 percent of unintentional poisoning deaths among 10-19 year old’s are caused by drugs, including prescriptions. 

 If you think something is safe for you to take, stop and ask yourself if you know what it really is, where it really comes from, and what it will really do to you?
Whether it’s a classmate or friend offering a pill for you to take for a headache, something offered to you at a party, or even over-the-counter medication – the few seconds of pausing to consider how much you really know about what you’re about to put into your body could be the difference between your good health and significant sickness, or worse.

We're Committed.

Our goal is to educate audiences and spread awareness of the dangers to adolescents of unintentional poisonings.

Additional Resources

Check out our Radio PSA!

Our PSA can be heard on local Rhode Island stations.

Check Out Your Marijuana Smarts:

SAMSHA’s Marijuana IQ Quiz!

Click here to start!


Get the Facts on Underage Drinking

Remember, the facts are what you should be focusing on, not the myths.