Drug and Alcohol Prevention for LGBTQIA+ Youth

Historically, the most welcoming places for LGBTQIA+ people have been clubs and bars. This has normalized drinking and substance use within the LGBTQIA+ community and can entice LGBTQIA+ youth who may not have any other supportive structures in their lives. LGBTQIA+ youth often question and discover their identity while going through adolescence. This can cause excess stress and turmoil on top of the common stressors of school, friends, family, and growing up. Labels on sexuality and gender can be restrictive for some, but some LGBTQIA+ teens may seek them to find a community while they discover their individual identity

Transgender youth who are rejected by their family attempt suicide two to three times more than compared to transgender youth who are accepted and affirmed by their family.



How you can support LGBTQIA+ Youth

  • Encourage conversation – not all talks need to be serious. Asking about their friends, interests, school, and current events can get your loved one talking when they might not know how to start the conversation in the first place. And after asking, make sure to LISTEN!
  • Self-educate – it can be exhausting for LGBTQIA+ youth to continually educate others if they are still discovering their identity themselves. In the age of the internet, there are endless resources on how to support your LGBTQIA+ teen. If you don’t know where to go, check out the resources linked below to get you started. Some basic facts to help you with your education: it’s not a phase, there is no cure, and there is no one to blame.


  • Get familiar with the school – Nearly 44% of Rhode Island youth have reported being bullied in the last three months, so it’s critical to know what resources your teen’s school offers. Learn about LGBTQIA+ school policies, find Genders & Sexualities Alliances or Pride after-school clubs, and learn about your teen’s teachers and counselors. If something seems wrong, speak up to the school!
  • Show that you care – for both your loved one and yourself, mistakes will be made, and that’s okay! What’s most important is giving LGBTQIA+ youth lots of love and support. Coming out can be a scary and challenging process, so it’s essential to show that you are there for them.

Surveys were administered in June of 2022, 2023, and 2024, at Kent and South County RI Pride events with the goal of understanding substance use among youth and young adults.

The findings presented here represent the respondents living in RI at the time of the survey: 111 in 2022, 90 in 2023, and 73 in 2024.

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Raising Healthy Teens: PRIDE

Read the our new Raising Healthy Teens Newsletter focused on inclusivity, allyship, support, and more!

Safe Zone

What is Safe Zone?

Safe Zone is effective training workshops that provides participants with a better understanding on how to foster a safe and inclusive environment for the LGBTQIA+ community. The course will have participants learning about LGBTQIA+ identities like gender and sexuality, while also examining prejudice, assumptions, and privilege.

We have trained...

Interested in learning more about Safe Zone? Check out the Safe Zone Project website.


Regional Prevention Coalition is Awarded Federal Grant to Address Youth Substance Use


Queer Inclusivity Booklet

An Ally’s Guide to Understanding booklet gives you a glimpse into the LGBTQIA+ community, teaches how this community is affected by substance use and mental health and gives you resources you can use to help.

Click below to read the Queer Inclusivity Booklet!

Mental Health Promotion and Suicide Prevention for LGBTQIA2S+ Youth

The guides below can help professionals, families, and communities support the mental well-being of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual, and Two-Spirit (LGBTQIA2S+) youth. The series includes four companion focus guides designed for specific populations, and hone in on the input of LGBTQIA2S+ individuals and those who have experienced suicidal thoughts and behaviors. The guides were developed by the Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC) in partnership with NORC at the University of Chicago, which is an independent social research organization. 

Click Below to View the Focus Guides!

Local Resources:

PFLAG Providence https://www.pflagprovidence.org/

Youth Pride RI https://www.youthprideri.org/

Thundermist Trans* & Non-Binary Health Access http://www.thundermisthealth.org/services/trans-health-access/

TGI Network of RI https://www.tginetwork.org/

RI Dept of Health https://preventsuicideri.org/get-help/resources/lgbtq-people 

National Resources:

The Trevor Project https://thetrevorproject.org/

Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) https://www.glaad.org/

The Safe Zone Project https://thesafezoneproject.com/

Lambda Legal https://www.lambdalegal.org/

Online Chats for LQBTQ+ Youth –  Q Chat Space | Home